Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists, India

The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (NAM S&T Centre) had initiated a Research Training Fellowship for Developing Country Scientists (RTF-DCS).

Twenty (20) scientists  and  researchers from the NAM and other developing countries will be selected under the RTF-DCS Scheme this year to get affiliated with Indian institutions. Generally,  maximum  one  Fellow  will  be  selected  from  any  particular  country,  but  in exceptional cases, this may be relaxed.

The Fellowship will be for a period of six months, but some variation in the duration may be allowed with prior approval of the NAM S&T Centre depending upon the actual requirement of the research project as mutually agreed between the Fellow and the host institution.

India  has  a  vast  and  excellent  infrastructure  for  Education  and  Research  in  Science, Technology   and   Engineering.   There   are   ~45,000   Science   Colleges,   around   3400 Engineering  & Technology  Institutes,  over  550  Universities,  and  an extensive  network  of 2500 R&D Institutions, which are mostly Government supported and cover virtually every branch and facet of science, technology and engineering. For this year, Fellowship will be offered in the following broad disciplines:

1. Agricultural Sciences
2. Biological and Medical Sciences
3. Chemical Sciences
4. Physical Sciences and Mathematics
5. Earth Sciences
6. Engineering Sciences
7. Materials, Minerals and Metallurgy
8. Multi-disciplinary and Other Areas

1.    Applicant should possess at least a Master’s Degree in any Natural Science subject or an equivalent degree in Engineering or Medicine and allied disciplines.
2.    Applicant should be working in a National R&D or Academic Institution in his/her home country.  The  application  should  be  endorsed  by  the  Head  of  his/her  institution confirming that  if  selected,  he/she  will be sanctioned leave for the Fellowship period and will join his/her  duties  back  in  the  institution on  completion  of  the  Fellowship  in India.
3.    The  upper  age limit  for  the  applicant  is  40  years  on  the  last  date  for  submission of application.
4.    Researchers of Indian Nationality are not eligible for the Fellowship.

The last date for submission of completed application form along with required enclosures is Monday, 14th October 2013.


1.    Full financial assistance will be provided to the selected Fellows which will include the following:-
a.    Round  trip  international  airfare  by  excursion/economy  class  and  by  shortest route  from  the  international  airport  in  the  home  country  to  the  international airport nearest to the host institution.
b.    A  consolidated  Fellowship  amount  of  Indian  Rupees  (INR)  35,000  [about US$585   at   the   current   exchange   rate]   per   month   (non-taxable)   for accommodation, meals and other miscellaneous expenses.
c.    One-time grant of INR 15,000 [about US$250 at the current exchange rate] for domestic travel  for airport transfers and visiting research institutions, attending scientific /events and field-trips within India.
The allowance as in (b) and the actual expenditure as in (c) will be disbursed to the RTF-DCS Fellow through the host institution.
The  host  Institution  will  arrange  appropriate  accommodation  for  the  Fellow  on payment basis. The   host   institution   will   also   be   suitably   compensated   for   its   services   for implementation of the programme.
2.    The selected Fellow will take an appropriate policy for health insurance coverage for the period of stay in India.
3.    Individual Fellow, or his/her  government / institution,  is required to  bear the following
a.    All  expenses  in  the  home   country  incidental  to  travel  abroad,   including expenditure  for passport  and  visa,  expenditure  towards  medical  examinations and vaccinations as may be required and  other miscellaneous expenses  such as  internal  travel  to/from  the  international  airport  of  departure  in  the  home country.
b.    Salary and other related allowances  in the  home country,  if  applicable, during the Fellowship period.
c.    Cost towards the medical insurance to cover the period of Fellowship in India.
4.    Neither  the  NAM  S&T  Centre  nor  the  host  institution  in  India  will  assume  any responsibility whatsoever for the following expenditure of the Fellows during the tenure of the Fellowship:
a.    Insurance, medical bills or hospitalisation fees.
b.    Compensation in the event of death, disability or loss of personal belongings or compensation for damage caused by climatic or other conditions.
c.    Travel and other costs  incurred by the dependents,  who might  accompany the Fellows.


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