Global Health Volunteer Service Corps Program
Recruiting US public health and nursing professionals to volunteer with our long-term Global Health Programs
Recruiting US public health and nursing professionals to volunteer with our long-term Global Health Programs
Background: The Global Health Volunteer Service Corps (VSC) is a new Project HOPE program designed to offer HOPE volunteers an opportunity to truly make a lasting difference in a developing country. With this 6-12 month program, volunteers will deliver sustainable outreach activities with long-term continuity. Based on the founding principles, traditions, and core values of Project HOPE, the VSC program allows volunteers – with a passion to serve people in need – the ability to work in direct contact with indigenous populations to build health opportunities. Our strategy is to integrate VSCs into all of the Project HOPE Global Health practice areas throughout the organization (Humanitarian Assistance, Infectious Disease, Non-Communicable Disease, Women & Children’s Health, and Health Systems Strengthening), thereby enhancing program outcomes and extending services and capability worldwide.
Overview of the Mission: VSCs will have the opportunity to serve in various roles and capacities, volunteering full-time with a field placement for a minimum of 6-months. Major roles will include: Working in technical areas within the program; assisting the program with identifying new opportunities for growth and development; acting as the lead agent for managing and overseeing volunteer team deployments throughout the year; and providing continuity in volunteer operations over the course of the deployment.
Basic Prerequisites:
• US citizenship
• All applicants must agree to complete a 6 or 12-month rotation with the program
• Required licensure and proof of diplomas, certifications, and letter of good standing/competency
• All applicants should understand and meet the basic needs of the specific Global Health program, as outlined in the program’s recruiting announcement
• All applicants are recommended to have a strong public health/community health background, or demonstrated public health or community health experience
• All applicants are recommended to have strong leadership and management skills
• All applicants should be flexible, creative, and self-starters
• Possess excellent oral and written English abilities
Locations, Needs, and Additional Requirements. Based on your preference and experience, you will be assigned to one of our currently approved field sites. Current sites available are:
• Monte Plata, Dominican Republic: Applicants must be fluent in Spanish and should also have a background in pediatrics/maternal child health
• Vijayawada, India: We are offering two positions, with one at NRI Academy and one at ASRAM. Applicants should have a clinical background (ie, a licensed RN or MD)
• Dhaka, Bangladesh: Applicants should have an interest in rural health and health education, and should either have an MPH or have a clinical background (ie, PA, licensed RN, NP, or MD)
• Be’er Sheva, Israel: Applicants should have a background in family medicine/pediatrics, physical therapy, or social work with an interest in public health
• Skopje, Macedonia: Applicants will be focused on the Balkan region, to include Albania, Kosovo, and others, and should have a either an MPH, or clinical experience in pediatrics or oncology
• Namibia: Applicants should have an Infectious Disease background, specifically in HIV
• South Africa: Applicants should have a background in Non-Communicable Diseases, specifically diabetes and hypertension
• Ghana: Applicants must be a BSN (or higher) Emergency Department Nurse, or an Emergency Department physician
Additional Information:
1) No language fluency requirements beyond English is required.
2) All positions will have an immediate supervisor.
1) The VSC program is primarily funded by Project HOPE. Funding includes:
a. One round-trip, economy class international airline ticket.
b. Visa, if required.
c. Basic accommodations and 3 meals per day.
d. Local, in-country transportation as required for your work assignment, to include airport transfers.
e. Office space, with Internet connectivity and printers.
f. Worker’s compensation, medical malpractice insurance, and medical evacuation coverage, if required.
g. Uniform and name tag package.
2) Volunteer responsibilities include:
a. Obtaining temporary traveler’s health insurance.
b. Costs not outlined above, to include (but not limited to): pre-deployment medical requirements (vaccines, exams, malaria chemoprophylaxis), transportation from home of record to local airport, in-transit meals or lodging, cultural exchange activities while in-country, telephone services while in-country, incidentals, and snacks.
c. Understanding that, if unable to complete the full rotation, he/she may be asked to either fully or partially refund the cost of the airline ticket.
Application Deadline: Continuous
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