Friday, April 5, 2013


Location: Port Louis, MAURITIUS
Application Deadline: 15-Apr-13
Type of Contract: Internship
Post Level: Intern
Languages Required: English   French 
Starting Date: (date when the selected candidate is expected to start)   01-May-2013
Duration of Initial Contract: 6 months
Expected Duration of Assignment: 6 months


The UNDP Country Office Mauritius focuses on the following three areas which are in line with national priorities:
  • Strengthen institutional capabilities for the accountable, equitable and effective use of public resources.
  • Capacity of public sector, Non-state actors and vulnerable groups strengthened to promote a coordinated approach in policy formulation and implementation for a more equitable, inclusive society.
  • Achieving environmental sustainability while addressing climate change and ensuring more effective environmental protection and conservation of natural resources.
The Mauritius Office is composed inter-alia of Socio Economic Development Unit (SEDU) and the Environment Unit. The SEDU has been involved in several projects:
  •  Support to Inclusive Development (SID)
  • Strategic Budgeting (SB)
  • Social Register of Mauritius(SRM)
  • IT Community Empowerment (IT CEP)
  • Zone Education Prioritaire (ZEP)
  • From Police Force to Police Service (Governance)
Most of the projects of SEDU are either funded by TRAC or Cost Shared by UN agencies and Government.
We have just embarked on our new Country Programme 2013-2016 which consists of 3 pillars namely; Planning and resource management for inclusive growth; Social inclusion and empowerment; Energy and the environment In this connection, the intern will have to assist in Pillar 2 under the “Social Inclusion and Empowerment” project more precisely the Output 1- Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Programmes and Output 3- Community Development Strategy. 

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the direct guidance and supervision of the Head of the Socio Economic Development Unit (UNDP Senior Programme Manager), the Intern will focus on the following general duties and tasks and inthe areas of Gender and Inclusive Development particularly:
  • Acquiring a broad understanding of the inter-related administrative and programme functions of UNDP’s technical co-operation activities in Mauritius;
  • Supporting SEDU in the execution of delegated tasks of both a substantive and administrative nature
  • Organise activities aimed at sensitisation and mobilisation of target groups at national level;
  • Provide support to vulnerable target groups for empowerment assistance, identified by local stakeholders (Ministries, NGOs, and other institutions);
  • Establish collaboration among institutions to build the capacities needed in the communities;
  • Compile monitoring and evaluation reports from on-going activities;
  • Identify key priority issues at the national level;
  • In collaboration with other stakeholders, formulate specific activities for community development;
  • Ensure coordination between NSA Unit and other agencies and ensuring follow-up on submission of appropriate reports
  • Plan, coordinate or participate in workshops at the national/ regional levels in connection with community organisers, drafting of summary reports of workshop content;
  • Coordinate management meetings between the financing and implementing agencies;
  • Provide other technical expertise as requested by the implementing partners; and
  • Any assigned ad hoc task that will be required under the project.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment

Functional Competencies:
  • Demonstrated interest in the field of development;
  • Excellent writing and editing skills;
  • Computer literate in standard software application;
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in harmony with the persons of different national, cultural backgrouns; and initiative and sound judgment, dedication and respect for the principle of the United Nations Charter and UNDP Statement of Purpose.

Required Skills and Experience

The following minimum qualifications are required:
  • Enrolment in a graduate-level degree programme in a development related field such as Economics, Social sciences, International development, Project management or Public or Business administration.
  • Only those students who will return to their studies upon completion of their internship assignments are eligible.
Language Requirements:
  • The working languages of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Mauritius are English and French.
  • High level written and oral English language skills are required; fluency in spoken and written French is highly desirable, and fluency in spoken Kreol. 
Required Skills:
  • Demonstrated interest in the field of development;
  • Excellent writing and editing skills in English;
  • Computer literate in standard software applications;
  • Ability to work effectively under pressure;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in harmony with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds; andInitiative and sound judgment, dedication and respect for the principles of the United Nations Charter and the UNDP Statement of Purpose.
The intern will be under the direct supervision and guidance of the Senior Programme Manager and the SEDU Programme Assistant
Financial Support:

UNDP does not pay for internships. The costs associated with the latter must be borne by the nominating institution, related institution or government, which may provide the required financial assistance to their students; or by the student, who will have to obtain financing for subsistence and make his or her own arrangements for travel, accommodation etc.

Living in Mauritius:
Geographic Situation and Climate:
Mauritius is a country situated in the Indian Ocean which covers approximately 1,865 square kilometres. Port Louis is the capital of the island. 
The climate of Mauritius is tropical in summer and sub-tropical in winter. The summer season runs from December to April, and can be hot and humid. The winter months are July, August and September, and they are often cool and humid. The remaining months of the year are mild and pleasant. 
Economic Conditions and Overseas Development Assistance:
Mauritius, being a middle-income country with a GDP per capita of 6,958 USD at present, has witnessed a significant decline in Official Development Assistance (ODA) from all sources, a trend occurring in parallel with increases in per capita income level, due to the country’s economic success. The European Union remains the largest multilateral donor.
Population and Religion:
Mauritius has a multi-racial and multi-religious society, descending from settlers who came from various directions over the last several hundred years. The population, estimated at 1,200,440 comprises several ethnic groups: Indo-Mauritians (66%), General Population (31%) (European, Madagascar and African origins) and Chinese Mauritians (3%). Creole, is generally spoken on the island, however, the official working language is English, while French is used extensively in the industrial, commercial, professional and social circles. 
Other Conditions:
As a duty station, Mauritius is classified as category “A” Hardship level: Quality health, education, culture and leisure services and commodities are easily available.
The assignment is based in the Capital, Port Louis. Cost of living expenses are reasonable and excellent health services are available.
Travel to the Country:
To facilitate entry in the country and subsequent formalities for Residence Permit, it is required to send in advance to UNDP-Mauritius Country Office particulars, i.e. full name, nationality, passport number, issuance and expiry dates, place of issue.
UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.


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