Friday, April 19, 2013

Uganda - Business Development and Management Intern (Summer)

Tracking Code
Job Description
INTERN WORKSITE LOCATION: Kitgum with considerable travel to the field

DATES OF INTERNSHIP:  Summer 2013 (start date flexible)


  • Mercy Corps responsibilities
For the duration of this internship assignment the intern will receive:
  • Communications (cellphone)
  • Accommodation in Kitgum
  • Reimbursement for 3-month visa
  • Transportation between field offices and in the field
  • Accommodation while visiting Kampala and any other field offices
  • ISOS Emergency Med-Evac Coverage
  • Office space in Kitgum Office

  • Intern responsibilities
Intern will remain responsible for all costs associated with:
  • International travel to/from Uganda
  • Accommodation in Kitgum
  • Living expenses and food
  • All other costs associated with this internship

Mercy Corps implements high-quality, analytical work in the world’s toughest places. Within Uganda, Mercy Corps works principally in post-conflict or transitional areas, including the Karamoja and Acholi sub-regions, to integrate targeted assistance for the immediate needs of critically vulnerable populations with a larger strategic focus on market facilitation that promotes long-term systemic change. By addressing a number of interrelated needs within a wide range of activities (livelihoods, peace building, agriculture, water and sanitation, health and nutrition, financial access and economic development), Mercy Corps applies a broad but integrated approach to address challenges to product and service availability, access and utilization.

Mercy Corps is a recognized leader in the design and implementation of market development programming; our experts are skilled in improving core market relationships and transactions, as well as in supporting functions and rules of market systems to improve access, and the terms of that access, to the poor. When applying market-driven development, Mercy Corps is consistently facilitative, working behind local actors to improve performance sustainably. In line with this, the Uganda country program’s broad goal is to speed the pace at which businesses adapt to meet the needs of the poor across our targeted geographic area of programming and areas of technical focus—partnering with private sector actors to build local capacity for the provision of vital goods and services. To do this, the country program works in close partnership with private sector partners to articulate market opportunities, to apply tools to extend reach, to crowd-in tailored products and services, and then to document and to share learning so that more businesses can enter the market and innovate on earlier models to better meet the needs of the poor.

The success of our work in Uganda hinges on the capacity of the private sector to emerge to provide products and services to the communities in which we work. Accordingly, our own capacity to select the right partners is at the crux of our programming. So, too, is our capacity to upgrade these businesses. In line with this, we’re seeking an intern who can develop our teams’ capacity to conduct due diligence analysis on potential business partners, to select the best-fit businesses, to develop recommendations for upgrading these businesses and to facilitate the emergence of new behavioral competitive norms by these businesses. The intern will work in close collaboration with the Economic and Market Development Program Manager and program teams to develop and to deliver training tools and modules as well as to monitor and to coach teams through a practicum geared at just this. This may include developing, piloting and then adjusting tools before rolling out substantial staff training and housing the skill with key staff members within different programs.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The intern will gain a thorough understanding of business enabling environments and the needs and opportunities for small and growing businesses in emerging markets. The intern will also increase field-based experience.

DELIVERABLES: There are two deliverables:
  1. Develop a ‘Due diligence tool kit’ that will include check lists, questionnaires and financial analysis spreadsheets
  2. Develop training tools, modules, practicums and an ongoing skills development package tied to the ‘Due diligence toolkit’ that will build due diligence and business development and management capacity of program teams.
  3. Deliver training and monitor practicum to multiple program teams across two distinct geographic settings, with specific focus on building individual team members’ capacity to expand and to monitor package delivery and due diligence support to programs after the end of the internship.
  4. Provide recommendations for continued due diligence and business development and management program team capacity upgrading.

  1. Experienced investment analyst or management professional
  2. A Bachelor’s degree in business/agribusiness, economics, or related field
  3. Pursuing a graduate degree in business or related field
  4. Strong written and verbal communicator
  5. Enthusiasm, creativity, and a tremendous amount of flexibility
  6. Willingness to work under minimal direction in difficult and inconvenient circumstances
  7. A sense of humor on par with one’s level of curiosity


The intern will reside primarily in Mercy Corps’ Kitgum and Kotido guesthouses, sharing the residences with other team members and interns. Facilities are clean and sufficient, but basic. Internet is readily available in all Mercy Corps offices. Security in both areas is good.

Mercy Corps interns and volunteers represent the agency both during and outside of work hours and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and respect local laws, customs and MC's policies, procedures, and values at all times and in all in-country venues.
Job Location
Kitgum, , Uganda
Position Type

Click here for more details and application


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