Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fellowships at the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies, Germany

A group of senior and junior fellows is invited each year to join the HCTS to pursue their own research and to engage in discussions with other fellows as well as graduate students around a common theme.

Fellows can choose to be in residence in Heidelberg for a period ranging from between six months to two academic years.
The HCTS now welcomes applications
(beginning on March 1st, 2014, or September 1st, 2014):
3  Visiting Fellowships are available to scholars worldwide.
3  Senior Fellowships are available to scholars from within Heidelberg University.
2  Junior Fellowships are available to postdocs from within Heidelberg University.
In 2014-15, fellows at the HCTS are invited to pursue their own research, with a suggested focus on one of the following three themes:

1. Detours—Mediated Circulations of Knowledge
2. Transcultural Exchanges in a Pre-modern World
3. Urban Spaces

Researchers working on all historical periods, all regions of the world and from all relevant disciplinary backgrounds are encouraged to apply and to develop new, innovative ways to pursue their research from a transcultural perspective. Group applications are welcome. Fellowships are awarded to scholars employed within or outside the University who have demonstrated outstanding scholarly achievement and exhibit unusual intellectual promise. Fellowships will be awarded on the strength of a candidate's proposed research project, the relationship of the project to the programme themes, the candidate's scholarly record, and the candidate's ability to contribute to intellectual life at the HCTS.

What we offer
Fellows benefit from the finest research facilities, the stimulating environment of a multi-disciplinary and international community of first-rate scholars, and an excellent digital humanities unit.
All Fellows will be offered the support of research assistance and library services. Senior Fellows will receive funds for the partial reduction of their teaching load (equivalent to 1/2 “Lehrstuhlvertretung”). Visiting Fellows will receive a stipend to make up for losses in (sabbatical) salary and for additional costs incurred by their stay in Germany. Junior Fellows will receive a budget to facilitate their research.

Fellowship terms
Fellows must be in residence in Heidelberg during their fellowship so that they can interact with one another and participate actively in the regular working meetings.  Fellows are also invited to attend other events at the HCTS.

Application Procedure
The application deadline is October 1, 2013.
The application (in German or English) consists of two (2) items and should be submitted in electronic format (single PDF File):

1. Curriculum vitae
2. Research proposal (maximum of 1500 words)

To apply for a fellowship, please submit these materials as a single PDF file to the Acting Director, Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler, at
For further Information, please see:, or contact Dr. Isabel Gallin, General Manager, HCTS at


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