Thursday, June 27, 2013

IDRC Research Awards, Canada

IDRC offers these research awards annually to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing master's or doctoral studies at a recognized university or having completed a master’s or doctoral program at a recognized university.

As a research award recipient, you will undertake a one-year paid program of research on the topic you submitted when competing for the award. During part of the time (often around 50%), you will be trained in research management through hands-on experience with your chosen program. You will be mentored by an IDRC staff member.

Who can applyThe program is aimed at candidates who, through demonstrated achievements in academic studies, work, or research, have shown interest in creating and using knowledge from an international perspective.

To be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, or a citizen of a developing country.
  • Be either currently enrolled at a recognized university at the master's or doctoral level or have completed a masters or doctoral degree at a recognized university. These awards may be part of an academic requirement.
  • Your proposed research must focus on one or more developing countries.

 This competition is for positions starting in early 2014.

Research awards are normally held for 12 months. They are tenable, on a full-time basis, for a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of 12. They normally start in January and must be completed by the end of December.

Number of awards

The number of awards varies each year. Approximately 16 awards will be offered in 2014.

Employment status

Research award recipients holding award tenure in Canada in 2013 receive an annual salary ranging from CA$38,248 to CA$44,276, depending on qualifications and experience. As research award recipients, you are considered to be full-time term employees of the Centre. Benefits include contributions to Employment Insurance, Employer Health Tax, the Canada Pension Plan, and 4% of salary in lieu of vacation leave. Some travel and research expenses are also supported, up to a maximum of CA$10,000. Salaries and benefits for research award recipients located in our regional offices may vary.

Deadline: August 7, 2013 (awards will be announced in November 2013)

The application must show how you will reach a set of learning objectives. IDRC requires applicants to specify only one IDRC program where they wish to apply. IDRC may forward your application to a second program.

The specifications for IDRC research awards are linked to current program priorities. IDRC reserves the right to change program priorities, which may determine the final choice and allocation of the awards.

We thank all applicants; however, due to the high volume of submissions, only those applicants considered for an award will be contacted by email. An autoreply from the IDRC Fellowships and Awards program serves as acknowledgement of receipt of your application. 

These awards focus on research carried out in one or more developing countries. Most research awards positions are for 12 months and are based at IDRC’s head office in Ottawa, Canada. A few take place in one of IDRC’s regional offices. Candidates must conduct their research in areas corresponding to IDRC'sresearch priorities.

The IDRC research awards aim to provide exposure to research for international development through a program of training in research management and grant administration under the guidance of IDRC program staff. They are designed to provide hands-on learning experiences in research program management, and in the creation, dissemination, and use of knowledge from an international perspective.

You will be expected to provide support to management and program staff in some of the following areas:
  • synthesize project outcomes
  • produce publications and dissemination materials or activities on research results
  • participate in team meetings
  • carry out research to locate, review, and synthesize relevant material
  • prepare correspondence, reports, and presentations
  • help organize meetings, workshops, and seminars
  • update and maintain databases

In principle, IDRC supports research in all developing countries. At this time, however, we do not support awards that involve research in Cuba, Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Somalia, Eastern Europe, or Central Asia. 

Click here for further research details


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